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Family Activities for 2024 Easter

Writer's picture: C.CC.C


Easter in 2024 falls on March 31st, earlier than usual. Easter is always held on a Sunday.The date of Easter Sunday is determined by the Paschal Full Moon, Easter Sunday always occurs on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon. The holiday is a time of hope and joy, symbolizing not only the arrival of spring but also an important religious observance celebrating the resurrection of Christ. It represents the opportunity for cultural renewal and new beginnings. During this festival, we gather with family and friends to enjoy each other's company, decorating our living spaces with eggs, bunnies, and maple trees. Additionally, as spring coincides with the school break for children, many communities and parks organize Easter egg hunts, allowing kids to search for hidden eggs in the grass. Sometimes, there's a bit of competition among older children, while younger ones may become upset if they can't find any eggs. To avoid such situations and ensure everyone has a good time, parents can plan various Easter-themed activities for their children at home.

  1. Egg Hunt Challenge: Scatter a bunch of hidden eggs in the yard or indoors, then get the kids moving to see who can find the most eggs the fastest! Don't forget to put some small prizes or candies inside the eggs!

  2. Bunny Hop Contest: Arrange a bunny hop competition and see who can hop the farthest or the highest! Prepare some bunny ears or hopping balls for the kids to jump around with!

  3. Egg Transporters: This is a fun cooperative game. Place eggs in a basket and have the kids work together, using spoons, to transport the eggs from one basket to another. See which team can complete the task the fastest!

  4. Shell Artists: Let the kids paint on the eggs using paint or markers. They can create their own unique egg designs! Encourage them to get creative; each egg can be a miniature work of art.

Egg Painting

In addition to decorating eggshells, there are more creative activities that can incorporate hands-on crafting into the spirit of STEAM, suitable for children to try:

  1. Salt Sand Easter Eggs: Materials: Table salt, white glue, watercolor paper, watercolors, watercolor brushes. Steps: Draw egg shapes on watercolor paper with a pencil.Outline the shapes with white glue and sprinkle table salt over the glue, then spread it evenly.Once the glue is dry, gently tap off excess salt and paint the eggs with watercolors. STEAM Challenge: Observing egg patterns, improving fine motor skills, engaging in scientific observation.

  2. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs: Materials: Short crayons, plastic eggshells, thick cardboard, double-sided nails, hot glue gun, colorful pom-poms, egg-shaped chocolates. Steps: Melt crayons and pour the wax into plastic eggshells to create unique Easter gifts. STEAM Challenge: Combining science and art.

  3. Egg Ferris Wheel: Materials: Paper plates, plastic eggshells, thick cardboard, double-sided nails. Steps: Cut six triangular holes in the paper plate, attach plastic eggshells, and build a stand. STEAM Challenge: Engineering and math.

Egg Wheels

When talking about eggs, remember that when buying eggs at the supermarket, opt for white washed eggs. While brown organic eggs might seem like the best choice, they won't take color well!


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