民族色彩共融節 Colors of Unity Festival
Fri, Apr 12
|Waverly Place
Join the fun at our Neighborhood Block Party Celebrating Children and Families! 孩子和家長們!大家齊來參與我們的狂歡街會!
Time & Location
Apr 12, 2024, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Waverly Place, Waverly Pl, San Francisco, CA 94108美国
About the event
The Chinatown Family Resource Center Collaborative welcomes all families to join the fun with our carnival block party in celebration of children and families!
This event is FREE and OPEN to all from 2 pm to 6 pm. It is sponsored by San Francisco Department of Early Childhood and it will include performances and fun, unique activities for families with children from 0-5 years old as well as 5-12+ years old.
💦 Remember to hydrate and bring your own reusable water bottle - no food/drinks/water will be sold at the event.
To highlight the fun, we will have the following performances*: (*subject to change)
- 2 pm: DJ Extraordinaire playing children’s favorite tunes and varieties
- 2:30 pm: Japanese Taiko Drum performance
- 3 pm: A special act from Circus Modern’s Children Puppet Show
- 3:15 pm: « Welcoming Spring Flowers » by the San Francisco Community Dance Group
- 3:30 pm: ShaoLin Martial Arts Assemble
- 4 pm: Introduction to the organizers: Gum Moon/AWRC, APA Family Services, WuYee Joy Lok Family Resource Center, and the sponsor of our event San Francisco Department of Early Childhood
- 4:30 pm: K-Pop group dance
- 5 pm: Children Bollywood Dance workshop led by Bollywood Dance Central
- 5:15 pm: Bollywood Dance Central Minis (3-5 yr old) performance
- 5:30 pm: Auspicious Dragon dance by Lion Dance Me children’s troop
All throughout the event, you will find a whole block of fun activities which include
- Spin-art bikes where older children can power a spinning canvas to make art by pedaling a stationary bike. They will learn about innovation as well as the importance of movement.
- A Balloon station offering unique balloon twist and shapes
- A Face painting to create traditional cultural masks
- Several Arts and crafts stations led by other parents for children to make, decorate and explore different games and mediums of fun.
🎁 Register before Wed 4/10/24 (11:59pm) to get a chance to win a Raffle Gift : 1 winner will be selected from the people registered and notified the day before the block party.
*ONE REGISTRATION PER FAMILY. More registration will not increase your chance of winning the Raffle Gift. 🚨
這是個免費活動,由下午 2 時到 6 時對外開放。 是由San Francisco Department of Early Childhood 機構贊助,將為有 0-5 歲和5-12 歲以上兒童的家庭提供精彩表演和有趣的特別活動。
- 下午 2 點:DJ Extraordinaire 播放孩子們最喜歡的音樂
- 下午 3 點:Circus Modern 雜耍演員的騎特別單輪車表演
- 下午3點30分:SF Music Together 帶領兒童跳的士高舞蹈
- 下午 4 點:介紹今次活動華埠家庭資源中心合作機構:金門/亞洲婦女服務中心、亞裔家庭互助中心、護兒-聚樂家庭資源中心和活動讚助機構San Francisco Department of Early Childhood
- 下午 4點30分:著名小丑Boswick喜劇節目表演
- 下午 5 點:華韻樂團兒童古箏表演
- 下午 5點30分:Lion Dance Me 精彩的兒童舞獅表演
- 可愛動物園,可餵飼可愛的山羊、雞、鴨子和兔子,讓孩子親身通過視覺、觸覺、嗅覺和聽覺等不同感官了解農場動物。
- 創意自行車沙冰,小朋友可以通過踩自行車,發動攪拌機來製作冰沙。 從而使他 們了解用創意發揮運動和營養的重要性。
- 花式氣球,氣球藝術家利用扭氣球,扭出不同型式的氣球
- 呼啦圈遊戲,適合所有年齡的孩子, 從搖晃呼啦圈中尋找開心樂趣
- 更有我們的家長領袖為孩子安排的有趣遊戲攤位、美勞手工讓孩子們自行製作屬於自己風格的創作品。
🎁 4/10/2024 (11:59pm) 之前登記報名,可參加抽獎贏取奬品,我們將從中抽出一名得獎者,得奬名單將於狂歡會前一天公佈。 🚨 毎一個家庭只可以登記一次。多次登記亦不會增加抽奬機會。
ABOUT THE FAMILY RESOURCE CENTERS 關於家庭資源中心Gum Moon / AWRC | 金門/亞洲婦女服務中心
Founded in 1868, Gum Moon Residence Hall & The Asian Women’s Resource Center were established to address the unmet needs of women and children in geographic and social transition. Located in the heart of Chinatown, Gum Moon originally served women & children from the Chinatown community but has since helped women & children of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Learn more: gummoon.org
金門女子公寓及亞洲婦女服務中心於1868年成立 ,目的是為幫助因環境和社會的改變而缺乏資源的婦女及兒童去適應新生活。金門位於華埠的中心地帶,最初服務於華埠社區的婦女和兒童,但後來擴展至幫助各種文化和種族背景的婦女和兒童。
APA Family Support Services | 亞裔家庭互助中心
We provide basic, comprehensive, and intensive care and support to Chinatown families and the surrounding neighborhood. We collaborated with YMCA Chinatown to provide support services and help families build healthy lifestyles. Learn more: apafss.org/chinatown-frc
Wu Yee - Joy Lok Family Resource Center | 護兒-聚樂家庭資源中心
Located in the heart of San Francisco’s Chinatown, the Joy Lok Family Resource Center has a variety of culturally appropriate program options to meet families’ needs. It serves as a hub for families, offering educational playgroups, parenting workshops, and social support networks in Chinese, as well as a toy and book lending library and public benefits assistance. All our services are free. Learn more: wuyee.org/for-families/joy-lok
聚樂家庭資源中心位於三藩市華埠的中心地帶,提供各種適合家庭文化的項目選擇,以滿足家庭的需求。 以家庭為中心,提供幼兒教育、親子教育工作坊中文社區支援,以及玩具和圖書借閱和公共福利援助。 我們所有的服務都是免費的。